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Call Screening

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Call Screening

Our CallerID and Rejections use an AI to determine if there’s an actual human on the Inbound call. If not, the calls dropped and blacklisted. If the AI detects a human, we’ll announce the call with the option to Accept, send to Voicemail, or Reject. Once the Calls are accepted, it’s whitelisted to our permitted call list for next time. Of course, if you reject it, we drop and blacklist the call.

  1. Select Switchboard > number.

  2. Select Inbound > Call Screening Options.



You can choose the desired schedule for your Call Screening settings, including options such as All Times, During Work Hours, Outside Work Hours, During Available Hours, Outside Available Hours, During User-Defined Hours, and Outside User-Defined Hours. For more detailed information, please refer to our Time Schedules guide.


In this section, you can choose which calls to include in this option. You have the following choices: All Calls, Spam Calls, and Anonymous Calls.

Blacklist Numbers

Numbers Not Allowed to Contact You: You can add specific numbers to this list in addition to the numbers blacklisted by the rejection settings.

Whitelist Numbers

Numbers Allowed to Contact You: You can add specific numbers to this list, ensuring that they are always allowed to reach you, even if your rejection settings would normally block them.


Don’t forget to click Save to update settings.

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