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Cisco SPA – Configuring your phone - Knowledgebase / Handsets and Device Provisioning / Handsets - SIPcity Help Centre

Cisco SPA – Configuring your phone

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Cisco SPA – Configuring your phone

Quick Guide to Cisco SPA

While Cisco don't support encryption for remote device configuration connecting the Cisco SPA to our service is striaght forward. 


Cisco SPA Web UI

  • Retrieve the phones IP address > select the Settings button (highlighted below)

  • Network (9) >> Current IP | Copy the IP

  • Advanced settings: in browser type http:/<address>/admin/advanced (eg to access admin mode.



Ext tabs

All the main settings required to configure the Cisco SPA’s are accessed within the Ext tabs. Complete:

  1. General | Line enable Yes / NO (enable to YES)

  2. Proxy and Registration

    • Proxy + Outbound Proxy:

    • Register: Yes
    • Reg Expires: 120
  3. Subscriber information (UserName, Auth and UserID)


Additional Extensions

If you are not registering any additonal lines on the Cisco SPA set Ext2, Ext3, Ext4 to:

  • Line Enable: No


Time Zones

  1. Type IP into browser followed by /admin/advanced (eg

  2. System | Optional Network Configuration | Primary NTP >>


Daylight Saving Time rules

  1. Type IP into browser followed by /admin/advanced (eg

  2. Regional | Miscellaneous >>Daylight Saving Time Rule: start=10/30/-7/2:0:0;end=4/1/7/2:0:0;­ ­ save=1

  3. Set time zone rule


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